Message from editors


 Hello everyone,

We hope you’ve had a wonderful holiday season and are excited for the new year ahead.

We would like to take this opportunity to reach out to all our readers and followers, whether you’re from Sheffield or not and invite you to get more involved!

Truth is that North Wing has been struggling to establish a presence and we want to change this, especially with getting more engagement from Sheffield Medical students. North Wing is a student run magazine, where we accept a whole range of pieces whether it’s an article on something your passionate about in medicine or reviews on books or conferences.

However, these past 2 years we’ve been really struggling to get people to submit articles and therefore we are reaching out and want to really change this around.

Many of you may say I can’t really write. But we know you can! How else did you pass all those SSCs?

What can I write about? Literally anything! This year we want to move to a more personal aspect of comment pieces, which include exciting or funny things that you have seen on placement and how it has made you feel. Placement can give you a variety of amazing and strange experiences, but it’s not always glamorous. We would appreciate any insight, as well as tips and wise words on how to get through it all, and advice you wish you has known.

Have you been moved during your time as a student doctor? What’s the one day of placement you will never forget? What research have you been involved in or are really interested in? We want to know all these things and publish it on our website. Please send in any suggestions on what columns you’d like to see as a permanent feature of the magazine!

We really do hope YOU get involved by emailing us at: with all your exciting ideas and plans!! If you would like to be part of the team, let us know ☺

Best Wishes from your Editors, Aminah and Sagana

 Published 15-01-2020

Category: Current Affairs